Kaeya Alberich.

❝In the Knights of Favonius, Kaeya is the most trusted aide for the Acting Grand Master Jean. You can always count on him to solve any intractable problems. Everyone in Mondstadt loves Kaeya, but no one knows what secrets this witty, charming knight has...❞

Frozen kiss.

❝ He seems to get a kick out of telling bald-faced lies, but this tendency becomes a talent when it comes to his role as the brains of the Knights of Favonius. He frequently does this with thieves and criminals, and then decides whether to arrest them or let them walk free. As long as everything falls into place the way he expects in the end, Kaeya doesn't care all that much about the means.❞

Lost prince.

❝ Kaeya is drawn to the negative emotions of others. He enjoys putting people into high-stress situations and challenging their values, and does so to both his enemies and his allies. He takes pleasure in seeing the hesitation in his comrades' eyes in the moment just before they dive into battle with him, just as he takes pleasure in the look of fear in his enemies' eyes as they face off against him. ❞

Excellent Blood.

❝ Kaeya’s charisma and determination have earned him the admiration, respect, and favour of many people in Mondstadt, although his love for provoking others also gained him the exasperation of those same people. ❞


⊱ He has a Samoyed dog named Marshmallow // A scottish fold creme colored cat named cinnamon ( Klee and Diona helped name them)

⊱ He sees Diona and Klee as little sisters and will doing anything for those kids. If anyone bothers them and Kaeya hears about it, good luck

⊱ He has tattoo's on his back. of what? it's a secret.

⊱ When he cries star like tears fall from his (sort of the shape of his pupils)

⊱ He can make shapes of ice using his elemental abilities.

⊱ He can cook much to people's disbelief

⊱ He can glide-- but not very well..

⊱ Sparkling wine-three parts Dandelion Wine- bitterness disappears completely. "Death After Noon." Is Kaeya's favorite drink -- but he also loves the new drink diluc came up with ; "Ice prince" resembling the jack frost cocktail is also his favorite.

⊱ Kaeya was weary of anyone touching him. He wasn’t fond of it entirely unless he agreed to it. Even when he goes out for his.. not so safe for work endeavors. He never truly enjoyed it. Simply a way to pass time. Being human; meant it caused a rise in emotion. Warmth. Adrenaline. It’s when Kaeya felt something other than the cold; of course it was only for a short time — not genuine in any sense.. but it was worth the trouble. The trouble to feel something that wasn’t cold. That being said, when and if he finally meets someone he’s fully interested in, he’ll take his time with that subject . It’s not necessary to him but he doesn’t mind it. He’s more gentle than what people think. ⠀

⊱ Kaeya is weak to pouts-- he use to be immune but now it's hard (depending on the person) to get past it. He thinks pouts are cute; though he refuses to admit that he himself can get pouty with trivial things that don't go his way

⊱ He doesn't like spiders. He might scream if he sees one when he's by himself. Before going to mond he had never seen one before-- which is ironic given that he came from the place that has a lot of monsters (he can still keep the facade of not being scared tho!! )

⊱ He loves giving forehead kisses

⊱ He loves affection but he wont say it .

(touch starved calvary captain -- quite honestly gets attached to affection when he knows its safe.)

⊱ His main love languages are physical touch and quality time , third being words of affirmation

⊱ He dislikes the idea of hurting children or using children for any personal gain. Children aren't peoples toys and Kaeya will do anything to protect the children of Mond.

⊱ Kaeya visits Crepus' grave when he feels regret. He apologizes every time-- he makes sure he's never seen and it usually between 2 - 4 am. Never earlier or later.

⊱ Kaeya is never late to anything but if he is . He's consumed by the same guilt he felt that one day

⊱ He usually doesnt tell people what he's feeling-- he disappears for a day to collect himself; scream a bit ( its a secret but it isn't pretty. )

⊱ He has terrible luck with actual romance. Countless times he's been seen as the "player" when he's actually extremely loyal to a fault.

He's had people cheat, he's had people try to learn his secrets and sell them, etc.

⊱ As a kid Kaeya was forced through experiments . He had his sclera eye since birth but due to its rarity -- countless of experiments were performed. (will be explained on another page)

⊱ He was also forced to go through poison treatment -- a dose every day to get his body "immune" his ""father"" was obsessed with kaeya not having any weaknesses. Young Kaeya had to endure the pain of every poison.

⊱ Despite wanting a "strong" child , Kaeya cried a lot as a kid. His father punishing him for it so he's used to holding it in until he physically cant hold it in anymore.

Though when he was left in mond-- feeling safe around his adopted brother diluc as a kid; he tended to let tears slip sometimes

⊱ He hates being refered to as "exotic" and he definitely hates when people refer to him as a "boy toy"

He tries not to let comments get to him but it pisses him off. Do not call him these things

⊱ When angry his skin bristles and drops temperature ; if anyone touches him with out permission or with out his knowledge- - they could/will get freeze burn if they aren't careful .

Rules / Info .

Nobody - Mitski
"0:35 ━❍───────── -5: 32, ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
𝚅𝙾𝙻𝚄𝙼𝙴 ▂▃▄▅▆▇ 80%

✧˚⁀༄ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀

✧ Kaeya is portrayed as 21+ since he drinks.

✧ He is bisexual ; no lean.

✧ (N)SFW. Mostly sfw ! Though adult topics will be brought up and mentioned.

✧ Friendly ! But loves to cause problems.

✧ Know that Offensive things might be said. Remember that mun does not =/= equal muse.

✧ flirty; mostly knows his limits. But if you are uncomfortable, he will stop and apologize

✧ Mun sees Diluc and Kaeya as siblings and only as siblings. Therefore does not ship them. No hate on anyone that does. But this account will not be shipped with any Diluc , only brotherly/family moments

✧ NO shipping with minors.

Minors. do not interact with posts that are NSFW. (I do not mind interacting with you. As long as tweets are not NSFW ) Please respect this.

✧ Threads / interactions are okay with minors as long as they are SFW!!



⋆。˚: Soft °. ⁺♡
. . .۰ ۪۪۫۫ ·₊̣̇ ꒷ ꒦₊ . ..

♡ ꒰ She / They ꒱

♡꒰ Mun is 19+ ꒱

♡ ꒰Friendly, will love and appreciate you! Much love, muah. ꒱

♡ ꒰ Fun fact : Mun draws and cosplays! ꒱

♡ ꒰ Reminder : You are so valid! ꒱

♡ ꒰ Link to main acc if you tap the twitter logo below! . ꒱



comming soon

Romantic Relations.

comming soon



༒ // spoilers for new story quest

Every time kaeya fights an enemy ; he understands what they’re saying, he understands what they’re goal is. He knows that they are his people. Yet he still has to fight them. Get rid of them. Get rid of what once were people of Khaenri'ah.

The abyss's methods were inexcusable. Wrong in every way. Kaeya has no other choice and he’s known this since he was an actual infant.

Every day he woke up to seeing his people; the monsters; the abyss... as enemies. People he once loved and cared for.

He watched them all change and get corrupted .. Kaeya, himself, deals with cursed blood ; hence his resemblance to an abyss mage.

He's always carries the burden much like Dainsleif.

Oh the way the captain loved khaenri’ah. The way he holds a grudge against the gods. The way he sees the people in teyvat love and adore the archons.. Ignorant and blind to what they’ve done. The way kaeya still enjoys his life on mond but each decision haunts him .

The way he thought he had finally found a new family-- only for it to be ripped away from him once again.

He’s broken. Tired. He hasn’t told anyone his full story . He hasn’t told anyone what he is. Would anyone accept a monster that everyone sought to kill? He doesn’t believe he deserves love .. He doesn’t know when he’ll have it or if he will

It scares him. Love is a strong thing and he knows how much pain it could bring if it goes wrong.

— he feels like he’s alone. Stuck in some box unable to get out. He hides behind his facade of charm and friendliness to avoid any sort of sadness.

He hardly sleeps. He only sleeps the bare minimum to keep him alive. There are days he crashes because his body can’t handle the lack of sleep..People believe him when he says he was out on a mission.

Loyal enough to continue to gather information. Loyal enough to keep the people he cares about safe. Loyal enough to continue to fight the abyss and learn more of their actions— while doubling as a spy. He wants to put an end to the people of Khaenri’ah’s suffering and he’ll have to defeat the abyss in order to achieve that.